Washington, D.C. 20549

                                                     FORM 10-Q
(Mark One)

      Quarterly  report  pursuant  to  section  13 or  15(d)  of the  Securities
      Exchange Act of 1934 for the  quarterly  period ended  January 31, 1998 or
      Transition  report  pursuant  to  section  13 or 15(d)  of the  Securities
      Exchange  Act  of  1934  for  the  transition  period  from  _________  to

Commission File No. 0-9143

                                           HURCO COMPANIES, INC.
                        (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

               Indiana                                 35-1150732
       (State or other jurisdiction of   (I.R.S. Employer Identification Number)
       incorporation or organization)

       One Technology Way
       Indianapolis, Indiana                                 46268
   (Address of principal executive offices)                (Zip code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code              (317) 293-5309

Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by  Sections  13 or 15(d)  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934
during  the  preceding  12  months,  and  (2) has  been  subject  to the  filing
requirements for the past 90 days:
                                                            Yes  X   No

The  number  of  shares  of the  Registrant's  common  stock  outstanding  as of
March 12, 1998 was 6,578,011.


                                               HURCO COMPANIES, INC.
                                      January 1998 Form 10-Q Quarterly Report

                                                 Table of Contents

                                          Part I - Financial Information

Item 1.       Condensed Financial Statements

              Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations -
                  Three months ended January 31, 1998 and 1997........... 3

              Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet -
                  As of January 31, 1998 and October 31, 1997............ 4

              Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows -
                  Three months ended January 31, 1998 and 1997........... 5

              Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements....... 6

Item 2.       Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
              Condition and Results of Operations........................ 7

                                            Part II - Other Information

Item 1.       Legal Proceedings..........................................10

Item 6.       Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K...........................10


                                          PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION

Item 1.  Financial Statements

                                               HURCO COMPANIES, INC.
                                       (In thousands, except per-share data)

                                                Three Months Ended January 31,
                                                  1998                 1997
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sales and service fees........................$   22,120           $  22,278

Cost of sales and service.....................    15,997              15,796
                                              ----------          ----------

     Gross profit.............................     6,123               6,482

Selling, general and administrative expenses..     5,024               5,046
                                              ----------          ----------

     Operating income.........................     1,099               1,436

License fee income, net.......................     1,494                 143

Interest expense..............................       274                 522

Other income (expense), net...................        23                 (23)
                                              ----------          ----------

     Income before income taxes...............     2,342               1,034

Provision for foreign income taxes............       156                  18
                                              ----------          ----------

Net Income....................................$    2,186              $1,016
                                              ==========              ======

Earnings per common share
     Basic....................................$      .33           $     .16
                                               =========          ==========
     Diluted..................................$      .32          $      .15
                                               =========          ==========

Weighted average common shares outstanding
     Basic....................................     6,553               6,533
                                              ==========          ==========
     Diluted..................................     6,749               6,680
                                              ==========          ==========

         The   accompanying   notes  are  an  integral  part  of  the  condensed
consolidated financial statements.

                                               HURCO COMPANIES, INC.
                                       CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET
                                              (Dollars in thousands)
                                                January 31,        October 31,
                                                   1998               1997
ASSETS                                          (Unaudited)         (Audited)
Current assets:
     Cash and cash equivalents................ $    2,481          $   3,371
     Accounts receivable......................     16,917             15,687
     Inventories..............................     19,624             21,752
     Other....................................      2,108              1,412
                                               ----------          ---------
         Total current assets.................     41,130             42,222
                                               ----------          ---------
Long-term license fee receivables.............      1,135              1,178
                                               ----------          ---------
Property and equipment:
     Land    .................................        761                761
     Building.................................      7,067              7,067
     Machinery and equipment..................     11,540             11,463
     Leasehold improvements...................      1,120              1,121
         Less accumulated depreciation and
         amortization..................           (11,365)           (11,218)
                                               ----------          ----------
                                                    9,123              9,194
                                               ----------          ---------

Software development costs, less amortization       4,339              4,447
Other assets .................................      1,973              1,707
                                          ---------------     ---------------
                                               $   57,700          $  58,748
                                               ==========          =========
Current liabilities:
     Accounts payable......................... $    8,772          $   9,246
     Accrued expenses.........................      6,942              8,338
     Current portion of long-term debt........      1,786              1,786
                                               ----------          ---------
         Total current liabilities............     17,500             19,370
                                               ----------          ---------
Non-current liabilities
     Long-term debt...........................      7,168              8,257
     Deferred credits and other obligations...      1,379              1,345
                                               ----------          ---------
            Total non-current liabilities.....      8,547              9,602
                                               ----------         ----------
Shareholders' equity:
     Preferred stock:  no par value per share;
     1,000,000 shares authorized; no shares
     issued...............................           --                 --
     Common stock: no par value; $.10 stated value
     per share; 12,500,000 shares authorized; and 
     6,559,311 and 6,544,831 shares issued ,
     respectively .....................              656                654
     Additional paid-in capital.................. 50,381             50,349
     Accumulated deficit.........................(14,218)           (16,404)
     Foreign currency translation adjustment..... (5,166)            (4,823)
                                              ----------          ---------
         Total shareholders' equity............   31,653             29,776
                                              ----------          ---------
                                                 $57,700            $58,748
                                                 =======         ==========
          The  accompanying   notes  are  an  integral  part  of  the  condensed
consolidated financial statements.

                                               HURCO COMPANIES, INC.
                                              (Dollars in thousands)

                                                 Three Months Ended January 31,
                                                    1998                 1997
Cash flows from operating activities:
     Net income.............................. $    2,186           $    1,016
     Adjustments to reconcile net
     income to net
     cash provided by (used for) operating
       Depreciation and amortization.........        522                  549
       Change in assets and liabilities:
        (Increase) decrease in accounts 
          receivable.........................     (1,450)               2,016
        (Increase) decrease in license 
          fee receivables....................       (835)                  --
        (Increase) decrease in inventories...       1,902               (2,656)
         Increase (decrease) in accounts
         payable.............................        (443)                (117)
         Increase (decrease) in accrued 
         expenses............................      (1,293)              (1,235)
         Other...............................         (37)                  44
                                               -----------          ----------
         Net cash provided by (used for) 
         operating activities................         552                 (383)
                                               ----------           ----------
Cash flows from investing activities:
     Proceeds from sale of equipment.........           2                   76
     Purchases of property and equipment.....        (192)                (226)
     Software development costs..............        (163)                (374)
     Other...................................        (139)                  --
                                                ----------           ----------
         Net cash provided by (used for)
         investing activities................        (492)                (524)
                                                ----------           ----------
Cash flows from financing activities:
     Advances on bank credit facilities......       6,000                8,928
     Repayment on bank credit facilities.....      (5,292)              (6,727)
     Repayments of term debt.................      (1,786)              (1,786)
     Proceeds from exercise of common stock options    34                   --
                                                ----------           ----------
         Net cash provided by (used for) 
         financing activities................      (1,044)                  415
                                                 ---------           ----------
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash......          94                 (147)
                                                ----------          -----------
         Net increase (decrease) in cash.....        (890)                (639)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period    3,371                1,877
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period...  $    2,481           $    1,238
                                                 =========           ==========

          The  accompanying   notes  are  an  integral  part  of  the  condensed
consolidated financial statements.



The condensed financial information as of January 31, 1998 and 1997 is unaudited
but includes all adjustments  which the Company  considers  necessary for a fair
presentation of financial  position at those dates and its results of operations
and cash flows for the three  months  then  ended.  It is  suggested  that those
condensed  financial  statements  be  read in  conjunction  with  the  financial
statements and the notes thereto included in the Company's Annual Report on Form
10-K for the year ended October 31, 1997.


From time to time, the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary,  IMS Technology,  Inc.
("IMS")  enters into  agreements for the licensing of its  interactive  computer
numerical  control (CNC)  patents.  License fees received or receivable  under a
fully paid-up license, for which there are no future performance requirements or
contingencies, are recognized in income, net of legal fees and expenses, if any,
at the time the license agreement is executed. License fees received in periodic
installments  that are  contingent  upon the  continuing  validity of a licensed
patent are  recognized in income,  net of legal fees and expenses,  if any, over
the life of the licensed patent.

During the first  quarter ended  January 31, 1998,  the  Company's  wholly-owned
subsidiary,  IMS Technology,  Inc. (IMS), entered into license agreements with a
number of manufacturers  and end-users of interactive  CNCs,  including  machine
tool manufacturers who incorporate  interactive CNCs in their products,  some of
which were  defendants  in patent  infringement  actions  brought by IMS.  These
agreements  resulted  in  additional  license fee income of  approximately  $1.4
million,  net of expenses and foreign  withholding  taxes, of which $591,000 was
received during the first quarter. In addition, one of the agreements was with a
supplier to the  Company and  provides  for  discounts  of up to $600,000 in the
aggregate on future purchases by the Company from that supplier through December
31, 2001.


The Company  seeks to hedge its  exposure to  fluctuations  in foreign  currency
exchange rates through the use of foreign currency  forward exchange  contracts.
The U.S.  dollar  equivalent  notional  amount of outstanding  foreign  currency
forward  exchange  contracts was  approximately  $17.4 million as of January 31,
1998 ($17.1 million related to firm  intercompany  sales  commitments) and $12.5
million  as of  January  31,  1997  ($9.8  related  to firm  intercompany  sales
commitments). Deferred gains related to hedges of future sales transactions were
approximately   $58,000   and   $316,000  as  of  January  31,  1998  and  1997,
respectively.  Contracts outstanding at January 31, 1998 mature at various times
through July 28, 1998.  All contracts are for the sale of currency.  The Company
does not enter into these contracts for trading purposes.


Basic and diluted  earnings per common  share are based on the weighted  average
number of common  shares  outstanding.  Diluted  earnings  per common share give
effect to  outstanding  stock  options using the treasury  method.  Common stock
equivalents totaled 196,000 shares for the first quarter of fiscal 1998.


The  allowance  for  doubtful  accounts  was $778,000 as of January 31, 1998 and
$757,000 as of October 31, 1997.


Inventories,  priced at the lower of cost (first-in, first-out method) or market
are summarized below (in thousands):

                                            January 31, 1998   October 31, 1997
                                            ----------------   ----------------
               Purchased parts and
                 sub-assemblies                $    9,326          $   9,749
               Work-in-Process                      1,173              1,578
               Finished Goods                       9,125             10,425
                                               ----------           --------
                                               $   19,624          $  21,752
                                                =========           ========


In February 1998, the Company's wholly-owned  subsidiary,  IMS Technology,  Inc.
(IMS),  entered into patent license agreements with Okuma Machinery Works, Okuma
America Corporation and Cincinnati Incorporated,  that provide for one-time cash
payments  to IMS.  As a result  of those  agreements,  the  Company  expects  to
recognize  additional license  fee income of  approximately  $1.3  million,  
net of foreign withholding  taxes and expenses,  in its second  fiscal  quarter 
ended April 30, 1998.


The  following  discussion  should  be read in  conjunction  with the  Condensed
Consolidated  Financial Statements and Notes thereto appearing elsewhere herein.
Certain   statements  made  in  this  report  may  constitute   "forward-looking
statements".   For  a  description  of  risks  and   uncertainties   related  to
forward-looking statements, see the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the
year ended October 31, 1997.


Three Months Ended January 31, 1998 Compared to Three Months Ended January 31, 

Sales and service fees for the first  quarter of fiscal 1998 were  approximately
3.4% higher than those  recorded in the 1997 period before the effect of foreign
currency rate changes when  converting  foreign  revenues into U.S.  dollars for
financial  reporting  purposes.  However,  as a result  of a  strengthened  U.S.
dollar, sales and service fees after the effect of such conversion  approximated
the  amount  reported  during  the  first  quarter  of  fiscal  1997.  Sales  of
computerized  machine systems increased $1.7 million,  or 12.9%, net of currency
translation effects, as a result of strong demand, primarily in Germany, for the
Company's new line of 30-inch and 40-inch  machining  systems that  incorporated
its Ultimax(R) interactive control software. Sales of computer numerical control
(CNC) systems,  consisting primarily of the Company's  Autobend(R) and Delta(TM)
series products,  declined  approximately $1.4 million,  or 28.6%, from the 1997
first quarter level,  reflecting  reduced demand from OEM and retrofit customers
and  the   Company's   repositioning   of  these   products  for   inclusion  as
fully-integrated  components of computerized  machine systems.  Sales of service
parts and service fees  decreased by  $321,000,  or 9.3%,  compared to the first
quarter of fiscal 1997, due  principally to  improvements  in the quality of the
Company's products as well as the transfer to the Company's U.S. distributors of
responsibility for certain service activities.

New order  bookings  were  $22.1  million,  an  increase  of 3.9% from the $21.2
million  reported  for  the  first  quarter  of  fiscal  1997,  net of  currency
translation  effects.  When measured at constant  exchange rates,  however,  new
orders  were  approximately  8.2%  above  the  fiscal  1997  level.  Orders  for
computerized   machine   systems,   at  constant   exchange   rates,   increased
approximately  27% over the first quarter of fiscal 1997. Orders for CNC systems
declined  by 28%,  paralleling  the  decline in  shipments  of these  products.
Backlog was $7.6 million at January 31, 1998 compared to $7.5 million at October
31, 1997.

As a percentage of sales,  gross profit decreased to 27.7% compared to 29.1% for
the first quarter of fiscal 1997.  The reduction was primarily  attributable  to
the net effects of a stronger U.S.  dollar  relative to foreign  currencies,  as
well as the reduced sales of CNC systems and service parts,  which  historically
have been associated with higher margins.

The substantial increase in net income was attributable  primarily to fees under
patent license agreements entered into during the quarter.  License fees, net of
expenses  and foreign  withholding  taxes,  aggregated  $1.4 million in the 1998
first  quarter  compared  to $143,000  in the 1997  period.  Net income also was
favorably  effected  by a 48%  decline  in  interest  expense as a result of the
substantial  reduction  in  outstanding  debt  since  the end of the 1997  first

Subsequent License Agreements

The  Company  expects to  recognize additional license  fee income of  
approximately  $1.3 million,  net of foreign  withholding  taxes and expenses, 
in its second fiscal quarter ending April 30, 1998 as a result of agreements
entered into in February 1998. Through its subsidiary, IMS Technology, Inc., 
the Company is continuing to seek  opportunities  to license its patent  rights
while  actively  pursuing its on-going patent  infringement  litigation against
several other manufacturers of interactive CNC products. However, there can be
no assurance that IMS will enter into additional license agreements in the 
future nor can the Company predict the ultimate outcome of such litigation. 
Also, excluding those CNC Users that are defendants in the patent infringement
actions, there are a limited number of remaining CNC Users that IMS has 
identified as potential licensees for the Patent.  Accordingly, management
believes it is unlikely that license fee income in fiscal 1998 from such other 
potential licensees would equal that recorded in fiscal 1997. 

Foreign Currency Risk Management

The Company  seeks to manage its foreign  currency  exposure  through the use of
foreign currency forward exchange  contracts.  The Company does not speculate in
the financial  markets and,  therefore,  does not enter into these contracts for
trading  purposes.  The Company also  endeavors  to moderate  its currency  risk
related to significant purchase commitments with certain foreign vendors through
price  adjustment  agreements that provide for a sharing of, or otherwise limit,
the potential adverse effect of currency  fluctuations on the costs of purchased
products. The results of these programs achieved management's objectives for the
first quarter of fiscal 1998.
See Note 3 to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.


At January 31, 1998,  the Company had cash and cash  equivalents of $2.5 million
compared  to $3.4  million at October 31,  1997.  Cash  provided  by  operations
totaled $552,000 in the first quarter of fiscal 1998,  compared to $383,000 used
for  operations  in the same period of fiscal  1997.  Cash flow from  operations
included  approximately  $591,000 of license  fees,  net of expenses  and taxes,
received during the 1998 first quarter.

Working capital was $23.6 million at January 31, 1998, compared to $22.9 million
at October 31, 1997. The increase was  attributable  primarily to  approximately
$835,000 of net license fees  receivable  included in other current assets as of
January 31, 1998. During the first quarter of fiscal 1998,  accounts  receivable
increased by $1.5 million, while inventories decreased by $1.9 million. Accounts
payable and accrued  expenses  decreased  during the 1998 first  quarter by $1.7
million,   primarily  because  of  seasonal  payments  related  to  fiscal  1997
operations.  The ratio of current assets to current  liabilities was 2.4 to 1 at
January 31, 1998 and 2.2 to 1 at October 31, 1997.

Cash used for  investing  activities  during the quarter was funded by cash flow
from operations.  As of January 31, 1998, the Company has a commitment to invest
approximately  $370,000 in its Taiwan affiliate,  Hurco Automation Ltd., through
fiscal 1999.

Cash used for financing activities was funded by operations and by existing cash
on hand.  During  the  first  quarter  of  fiscal  1998,  payment  of an  annual
installment  of  approximately  $1.8 million on the  Company's  Senior Notes was
partially funded by borrowings under the Company's  revolving credit facilities.
As of January 31, 1998, the Company had unutilized availability of $12.8 million
under  its  credit  facilities.  The  Company  was in  compliance  with all loan
covenants at January 31, 1998.

Management  believes that  anticipated  cash flow from  operations and available
borrowings  under  the  credit   facilities  will  be  sufficient  to  meet  its
anticipated cash requirements in the foreseeable future.

                                            PART II - OTHER INFORMATION


As previously  reported,  IMS and the Company are parties to litigation  against
various  defendants  for  alleged  pending  patent  infringement.  In  a  recent
settlement  with  Okuma  Machinery  Works,  and  its  affiliate,  Okuma  America
Corporation,  IMS granted  licenses to each of these companies in exchange for a
lump  sum  cash  payment  and  litigation  between  these  entities  and IMS was

On January 29, 1998,  IMS  commenced an  infringement  action  against  Marshall
Machinery,  Inc., ADK Machine,  Inc.,  Precise  Machine &  Fabrication,  Western
Branch Metals,  Inc., American Gasket & Seal Technology,  Inc., Classic Machine,
Kosmo Machine, Inc., and Cincinnati  Incorporated.  In February 1998, concurrent
with the execution by Cincinnati  Incorporated of a license agreement  providing
for  payment  of  a  lump-sum  cash  fee,  the  action  against  Cincinnati  
Incorporated was discontinued.

There  have  been  no  other  material  developments  in  the  IMS  infringement
litigation  except as described in the Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-K for
the year ended October 31, 1997.

The Company is  involved in various  other  claims and  lawsuits  arising in the
ordinary  course of business,  none of which,  in the opinion of management,  is
expected  to  have a  material  adverse  effect  on its  consolidated  financial
position or results of operations.


(a)      Exhibits:

10.15  Employment  agreement  between the  Registrant  and James D. Fabris dated
November 18, 1997.

10.16  Employment  agreement  between the  Registrant  and  Richard  Blake dated
January 1, 1998.

11            Statement re: Computation of Per Share Earnings

27            Financial Data Schedule (electronic filing only).

(b)      Reports on Form 8-K:       None


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
Registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                              HURCO COMPANIES, INC.

                                       By:      /s/ Roger J. Wolf
                                                    Roger J. Wolf
                                                    Senior Vice President and
                                                    Chief Financial Officer

                                       By:      /s/ Stephen J. Alesia
                                                    Stephen J. Alesia
                                                    Corporate Controller and
                                                    Principal Accounting Officer

March 16, 1998
                                                   Exhibit 10.15

                Employment Agreement between the Registrant and James D. Fabris
                                Dated November 18, 1997

November 18, 1997

Mr. James D. Fabris
13633 Elgin Drive
Carmel, IN  46032

Dear Jim:

I am pleased to offer you the position of Executive Vice President of Operations
for Hurco Companies, Inc. effective January 1, 1998 reporting to myself.

Your  responsibilities  in this new position include:  management of all machine
tool and controls  manufacturing,  engineering,  material  control,  and quality
assurance for the cor-poration.

In addition you are  responsible for the sales,  marketing,  and service for all
the Company's products in the Asia Pacific Region and the sales, marketing,  and
service of ATI and ICP product lines.


Your base salary is increased to $160,000 per year effective January 1, 1998.

Salary  reviews  are  held in  January  of  each  year in  accordance  with  the
Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors review cycle.

The  Corporate  Performance  Annual  Bonus  Plan is  based  upon  the  financial
performance  of  the  Corporation  and  annual  accomplishments  subject  to the
approval of the Compen-sation Committee of the Board of Directors.

We will finalize your 1998 objectives and 1998 bonus plan by January 15, 1998.


As a key employee in the management of the Corporation's  performance and future
stra-tegic  direction,  you will be awarded stock options in accordance with the
Corporation's Stock Option Plan and as approved by the Board of Directors.

Mr. James D. Fabris
Page 2
November 18, 1997


In addition to the  Corporation's  standard benefit package,  key executives are
provided  additional  fringe  benefits  including  split  dollar life  insurance
coverage,  an opportunity to participate in the Deferred  Compensation  Plan and
additional short term and long term disability insurance.


The Corporation will provide you with a company car and pay for normal operating
expenses, subject to the standard IRS regulations.


I have included the following employment severance agreement. In the event Hurco
ter-minates your employment as Executive Vice President,  for reasons other than
gross mis-conduct, Hurco shall pay you twelve (12) months severance, at the then
present   base   salary   rate,   from  the  date  you  are   relieved  of  your
responsibilities  which  would be thirty (30) days  following a written  notice.
Health and life  insurance  benefits will be maintained  during the twelve month
severance period or until you have obtained  alternate  employment,  if earlier.
The  Corporation  will also  provide  you with the  services  of a  professional
outplacement firm.

In the event you resign prior to the termination of your employment,  Hurco will
not be  obligated  to continue  making  salary  payments  after your last day of

Congratulations  Jim  on  this  well  deserved  promotion.   Please  acknowledge
acceptance of this offer by signing  where  indicated and returning the original
copy to me.

Very truly yours,

/s/ Brian D. McLaughlin

Brian D. McLaughlin
Chief Executive Officer


/s/ James D. Fabris                                        December 15, 1997
- --------------------------------------------------   ---------------------------
               James D. Fabris                                   Date

                                                    Exhibit 10.16

           Employment Agreement between the Registrant and Richard Blake
                             Dated January 1, 1998

                                    Transfer Agreement

The Transfer  Agreement  is effective as of the 1st day of January,  1998 and is
between Hurco Companies, Inc. ("Employer") and Richard Blake ("Employee").


 A.  Employer is an Indiana corporation engaged in the business of manufacturing
     and selling industrial machine tool products.
 B.  Hurco Europe LTD. ("HEL") is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Employer which is
     engaged in the  business  of  marketing  Employer's  products in the United
     Kingdom, continental Europe and certain other international markets.
 C.  Employer  desires  to  transfer  Employee  to Hurco  Companies,  Inc.,  and
     Employee desires to accept such transfer with Employer,  upon the terms and
     conditions contained in this Agreement.

Now, therefore, Employer and Employee agree as follows:

 1.  Employment. Employer hereby transfers Employee to render services on behalf
     of Hurco Companies,  Inc. Employee will, however, for all purposes,  remain
     an  Employee  of  Hurco  Europe,  LTD  with the  same  general  rights  and
     obligations  of  HEL,  except  as  specifically  set  forth  herein  to the

         Employee's position shall be President,  Machine Tool Products Division
of Hurco Companies, Inc.

         Employee may also perform other such services related thereto as may be
         designated from time to time by Employer.

         During the term of this Agreement, Employee will be a resident in the
         United States.  As a part of his regular duties, Employee may be 
         required from time to time to  attend  business  and  educational  
         meetings  and activities, including return visits to the United 
         Kingdom, for training and other business purposes.

         Employee  shall expend his entire time and best efforts  performing his
duties under this agreement.

 2.  Term.  This agreement shall, except as hereinafter provided, be for a term
     of thirty six (36) months,  beginning on the  effective  date hereof.  
     It is intended that  Employee  will have an option to return to the United
     Kingdom at the end of this term to resume employment with Hurco Europe,  
     LTD. In the event the Employee does not do so at the end of the thirty six
     (36) month period, then this Agreement  shall continue from  month-to-month
     thereafter  until terminated as provided in Section 7.

      If the employee  exercises  the option to return after the thirty six (36)
      months,   the  Employer  does  not  guarantee  a  lateral  or  promotional
      opportunity for employment.  If no opportunity for employment  exists, the
      Employer will pay Employee  severance pay equal to twelve (12) months base

     It is mutually  understood that the Employer may exercise an option to have
     the Employee  return to the United  Kingdom at any time due to the business
     needs of the  Company  under the terms and  conditions  of this  contract .
     Notice of such  action  will be given as much in  advance  as is  feasible,
     dependent upon the existing circumstances that time.

 3.  Compensation.  As his entire  compensation for all services rendered during
     the term of this  Agreement,  Employee  shall have and receive,  subject to
     withholding  and other  applicable  United  States and  foreign  employment
     taxes,  a base income of $125,000  per year during the initial term of this
     Agreement, and thereafter in an amount to be determined.

         Employer  will pay  Employee a foreign  assignment  premium  during the
         transfer period of $10,000 per year payable biweekly in salary payroll.

         Employee  shall  also be  entitled  to all other  regular  compensation
         elements as may be provided  from time to time in the Company  policies
         as prepared and issued by the Employer.

         Employer will provide a monthly housing allowance of $1500.00. Employer
         agrees to pay the customary deposits necessary to obtain a residence in
         the U.S.

 4.  Employee  Benefits.  Employee  shall be permitted to  participate in and be
     provided for all employee  benefits which may be provided from time to time
     by Employer  at its  expense  including  disability  insurance,  group life
     insurance,  401(k) plan,  profit sharing plan,  split dollar life insurance
     plan,  health insurance and deferred  compensation  plan and other benefits
     which Employer may from time to time adopt.

 5.   Holidays and Vacations.  Employee will follow the Hurco Companies, Inc. 
     holiday schedule and will be eligible for vacation days as if Employee were
     a Hurco Companies,  Inc.  employee.  All vacation days shall be taken in 
     the manner most  convenient to the business of Employer and Hurco Europe, 
     LTD.  Plans for  vacation  should be  submitted  to Employer  in advance 
     for  approval.Unused days of vacation may not be carried over to future 

 6. Death or Disability During Employment. If Employee dies or becomes totally
     and permanently disabled during the term of his employment,  Employer shall
     pay to the estate of the  Employee  the salary  which  would  otherwise  be
     payable to Employee if he had performed services until the end of the month
     in which  his  death/disability  occurs.  Employer  shall  have no  further
     financial  obligations to Employee or to his estate, except for the regular
     employee benefits provided by the Employer.

 7.   Termination.  This Agreement may be terminated by either Employer or 
     Employee upon the  giving of one (1)  month's  notice to the other.  This 
     Agreement shall terminate automatically, without notice, upon the death or
     disability of Employee; upon either party engaging in any activity which 
     constitutes a serious crime, or by mutual agreement. If this agreement is 
     terminated as a result of the Company engaging in any activity which  
     constitutes a serious crime,  or the  Employee is  terminated  by mutual  
     agreement,  or upon the Employee's  death  or  disability,  Employer  will
     pay for the  return  of Employee and immediate  family to the United  
     Kingdom  including  coach air fare and air freight  for 1,000  pounds of 
     baggage.  If this  agreement  is terminated  as a result of the Employee  
     being  terminated  for cause other than gross misconduct, Employer will 
     pay to Employee severance pay equal to twelve months base salary at the 
     then current base salary rate. If Employee voluntarily resigns employment,
     Employer will pay Employee through the last date of active employment.

 8.   Other.

          A.  Vehicle.   Employer  will  provide  an  automobile  and  reimburse
              reasonable  expenses  incurred  in  connection  with the  business
              operation thereof. Fuel for personal mileage is not included. Size
              and model will be of the kind  customarily  provided to persons of
              comparable position in the United States.

          B.  Family Moving Expenses.  Employer will pay all reasonable expenses
              incurred by Employee and Employee's family in connection with such
              moves  to and  from  the  United  States  in  accordance  with the
              Company's  standard   "Relocation  and  Move  Policy  for  Current
              Employees"   including  all  packing,   moving  and  unpacking  of
              household  furnishings,  all reasonable  travel,  meal and lodging
              expenses incurred by Employee and his family during such move; and
              any other reasonable costs or expenses incurred in connection with
              such move including insurance on personal  possessions during such

          C.  Transfer  Allowance.  It is  recognized  that there are many other
              expenses  connection  with an  international  move  which  are not
              covered by normal moving  expense  reimbursements.  These expenses
              include  replacement  of  personal  electrical  appliances,   home
              cleaning  expenses,  etc. To reimburse  the employee for these and
              similar expenses a transfer allowance of $3,000,  less appropriate
              taxes,  will be paid both upon move to and return  from the United

          D.   Trips  Home.  Once  annually  at a  time  of  Employee's  choice,
               Employer  will pay coach fare for air  flights for  Employee  and
               members of his immediate  family for a personal visit home to the
               United Kingdom and return to the United States.
          E.   Tax  Consultant.   Compensation   will  be  taxable  during  this
               assignment.  Employer  will make  available a tax  consultant  to
               assist  with tax  report  preparation.  If actual  taxes  owed by
               Employee on compensation during the term of this Agreement exceed
               taxes that would have been owed if  Employee  was  working in the
               United  Kingdom,   Employer  will  reimburse   employee  for  the
               difference as evidenced by a qualified tax consultant.

          D.   Confidentiality.  Employee recognizes and acknowledges that the 
              information concerning  the  Employer's  customers  and  suppliers
              as they may exist from time to time and Employer's technical and 
              manufacturing processes are unique assets of the  Employer.  
              Employee  agrees to keep confidential and will not disclose, 
              during or after the term of this  assignment,  such information 
              or processes to any person, firm, corporation or partnership.

9.  Miscellaneous.  The terms and conditions of the Employer's policies, as 
    from time to time are in  effect,  are  incorporated  herein  and shall be
    a part of this agreement.  Except as stated in the  immediately  preceding 
    sentence,  this Agreement  contains the entire  Agreement  between Employer
    and Employee and supersedes all prior agreements between them, whether oral
    or written.
    The affairs of Employer  and Hurco  Europe,  LTD.,  and the contents of this
    agreement are confidential and are not to be disclosed or discussed with any
    unauthorized  person  irrespective  of whether such person is an Employee of
    Employer or Hurco Europe LTD.

    This Agreement and the obligations hereunder shall be interpreted, construed
    and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Indiana.

    No waiver or any breach of this Agreement  shall be deemed or construed as a
    waiver of any other breach.

    More than one copy of this  Agreement  may be  executed  each of which shall
    constitute an executed  original.  Any amendment of this Agreement  shall be
    effective only if in writing and signed by both Employer and Employee.

    If any provision of this  Agreement  shall be held invalid under  applicable
    law,  such  provision  shall  be  ineffective  only  to the  extent  of such
    invalidity,   without  invalidity  to  the  remaining   provisions  of  this

 10. Notices.  Any notices or other communications required or permitted
     to be given under  the  provisions  of this  Agreement  shall be in 
     writing.  All such notices or  communications  shall be deemed to have 
     been properly  given or served by hand  delivery or by  depositing  same 
     in the United  States mail addressed to the  appropriate  party,  postage 
     prepaid and  registered  or certified with return receipt requested at the
     following address:

                  To:      Hurco Companies, Inc.
                           One Technology Way
                           Indianapolis, IN  46268
                           Attention:  Brian D. McLaughlin

                  To:      Richard Blake
                           One Technology Way
                           Indianapolis, IN  46268

     Either  party has the right to change the above  address  by giving  thirty
     (30) days notice thereof to the other party.


     Acceptance of this Agreement  should be indicated  where provided below and
     this letter returned to Brian D. McLaughlin, Chief Executive Officer.

                                            HURCO COMPANIES, INC.

                                            By:    /s/ Brian D. McLaughlin
                                                   Brian D. McLaughlin
                                                   Chief Executive Officer

    The  undersigned  hereby  accepts  the  foregoing   Agreement  made  by  the
    undersigned and Hurco  Companies,  Inc. this 1st day of December,  1997, but
    effective as therein set forth in this Agreement.

                                            By:  /s/ Richard Blake
                                                    Richard Blake

                                   Exhibit 11
                         Statement Re: Computation of Per Share Earnings

                                                   Three Months Ended
                                                    January 31, 1998
                                               1998                    1997
                                               ----                    ----

                                          Basic    Fully          Basic   Fully
                                                  Diluted                Diluted

(in thousands, except per share amount)

Net income.........................      $2,186    $2,186        $1,016   $1,016

Weighted average shares outstanding       6,553     6,553         6,532    6,533

Assumed issuances under stock options                 196                    148
                                         ------    ------        ------   ------
                                          6,553     6,749         6,532    6,681
                                         ------    ------        ------   ------
Earnings per common share                  $.33      $.32          $.16     $.15
                                         ======    ======        ======   ======


5 THIS SCHEDULE CONTAINS SUMMARY FINANCIAL INFORMATION EXTRACTED FROM THE QUARTERLY REPORT 10-Q FOR THE PERIOD ENDED JANUARY 31, 1998 AND IS QUALIFIED IN ITS ENTIRETY BY REFERENCE TO SUCH FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. 0000315374 SONJA BUCKLES 1,000 US DOLLARS 3-MOS OCT-31-1998 NOV-1-1997 JAN-31-1998 1 2,481 0 17,695 778 19,624 41,130 20,488 11,365 57,700 17,500 0 0 0 656 30,997 57,700 22,120 22,120 15,997 15,997 (1,511) 0 274 2,342 156 2,186 0 0 0 2,186 .33 .32